Cooling / Sensitive Skin Pitta Oil

Cooling / Sensitive Skin Pitta Oil

from $12.00

This golden oil is formulated to cool and heal sensitive or troubled skin, restoring balance and calming body temperature.

Pitta skin tends to redness, easy sun burns, irritations, acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, hives and overall heat related symptoms. This Oil is intended to calm this kind of skin, but is excellent for anyone's overall skin healing and rejuvenating.

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Pitta Body Oil combines the healing properties of Virgin Coconut and Sunflower Oils infused with the nourishing benefits of Bhrami, Shatavari, Corriander, Turmeric, Manjistha and Lavender to calm sensitive / irritated / problem skin and restore Pitta's balance. A fiery, irritated, hot tempered body will be calmed and cooled, and so will it's corresponding personality! Therapeutic Grade Geranium Essential Oil adds an herbal floral aroma and further heals, rejuvenates and promotes newly radiant skin. 

Ayurvedic body oil massage is essential for skin wellness as oils have the closest biochemical structure to our skin, and therefore permeate all seven skin layers to provide vital nutrients, improve skin function, and delight the senses. Abyangha, or Daily oil massage, is essential for skin radiance, for proper skin hydration and for skin detoxification. This ancient ritual is an important daily practice for grounding, skin health, focus, proper balance, and restful sleep.

How do you know if Pitta Body Oil is right for you?

Do you have a tendency towards sensitive or combination skin?
Do you experience a reddish complexion?
Do you prefer cooler weather over warmer weather?
Do you get grumpy if you don't eat on time?
Are you experiencing early graying or hair loss?
Do you have a competitive edge?

Pitta's fire is balanced with the cooling herbs infused into this rejuvenating oil. 

Certified Organic Ingredients:

Virgin Coconut Oil: lightweight, easily absorbable, cooling, skin healing, antiseptic
Sunflower Oil: lightweight, full of vitamins and minerals, boosts immunity
Bhrami: adaptogenic, immune enhancing, stress relief
Shatavari- adaptogenic, rejuvenative, overall wellbeing, skin healing, promotes radiance
Corriander- anti inflammatory, cooling, muscle pain, promotes mental clarity, improves mood, relieves lethargy
Turmeric- powerful anti inflammatory, good for acne and skin problems like psoriasis, antioxidant, heals the skin, kills microbes, reduces itching
Lavender- calming, stress reducing, mild antidepressant, combats insomnia
Licorice- anti inflammatory, reduces heat and dryness, relieves mental stress, binds to and removes toxins
Passion Flower- calms anxiety, stress relief
Guducci- rejuvenative, enhances immunity, longevity, imparts energy and vitality, good for inflammatory skin conditions and immunity
Manjistha- one of the best Pitta herbs, clears heat and toxins from the blood, heals skin problems, stops bleeding, boosts immunity
Neem- best antiseptic, skin healing, good for acne and symptoms of heat, clears a heated mind, relieves depression, irritability, and stree
Fennel- clears, toxins, cools Pitta, anti inflammatory
Musta- regulates digestion, helps with PMS, clears heat
DoTerra Geranium Essential Oil- balances mood, supports hormones, heals and regenerates the skin, clears skin problems
Vitamin E- powerful antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, helps to repair and heal skin, delays aging

To Use:
Massage a small amount of oil onto skin 20min before bathing for a light skin detox, or massage onto slightly damp skin after bathing for extra nourishment in place of your lotions. 

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any disease. This information is provided for educational purposes only. This product is for use at your own discretion.