Nothing matters if you're toxic.


This goes for everything, in every aspect of your life.

We tend to consider our nutrition first, as we should, but there are so many other aspects to toxicity we might not take into account and it all matters when we want to heal.

In order for your home to feel fresh again, you have to take some time to open the windows, dust the off the furniture and tidy up. In our bodies, this translates to everything running efficiently and in flow, beginning with your digestion. It's not so much what you eat, but what your body does with the food that matters. How you digest is one of the most important starting points when it comes to addressing your health, since your digestion is what transforms your food into nutrients and then into tissues. There can be a disconnect between what we are feeding ourselves and how our body is interpreting these foods however, and this misunderstanding within our own system if often times the cause of our discomforts and even dis-eases. We always want look at digestion first therefore, because as we strengthen this system, everything else runs more efficiently - and efficiency is the path to overall health. Starting with a clean slate internally means our bodies  are rested and realigned with enough energy to absorb nutrients to then re build our systems properly. This also means the energy will be available for the other aspects of your life that may need attention to, like your home environment, relationships, chemical load and so forth. A supervised detox tailored to you is recommended from time to time to re-align and re-connect your brain-gut axis and is the first step we take when we want to initiate a healing response in our bodies, but none of these harsh cleanses or extreme diets will get you there. Balance is always the key. 

This goes for the life detox part too.

Healing your internal world also means taking a look at your external world. Your beauty and cleaning products, your relationships, the music you listen to, your job, the books you read, who you follow on social media, your friendships, whether you live alone and feel supported.. all of the different aspects of our lives actually affect how quickly we heal, or how long it takes us to feel better. It’s important to look at your entire life story when considering your true state of health, because it all matters, and it all affects you.


Our bodies are perfect and are designed to heal themselves. Sometimes they need a little help, so it's a good idea to work with a professional who can guide you according to you and your unique constitution. Lifestyle adjustments, light detoxations, dietary changes and therapeutic treatments are a great way to reset and clear the channels. Sometimes all we need is a few adjustments here and there to start feeling great again, and other times we need a bit more help. We already have the answers within us, we simply have to learn to interpret our symptoms to figure out what our bodies need. This is actually quite simple and an extremely effective healing technique that has you feeling great long term, but it requires your commitment to yourself long term. And I am here for you every step of the way once you’re ready.